/ / / / / / / / / / / / / Phreaking Australia. By Ivan Trotsky... Without Any Cards / / / / / / / / / / / / / P H R E A K I N G A U S T R A L I A -=====================================- -===================================- -=================================- Edition 1... This file will be broken down into 8 Parts. Section 1 Method 1.. This first method was realy the first taste of phreaking that I had ever had. And well realy I must admit it was a very crude method at that. I know Phoneix and Nom debated and abused me when I called it phreaking and the declined to call our method phreaking at all. But then again we are all still looking to defraud the Telecommunication Company and getting our Free Calls all over the world. So it may be crude but put it this way, if it gets you what you want why knock it. First find a nice Quite Area with a lot of trees and not too many cars going up and down the road. Then the next thing you have to do is find yourself a Fone Box. Once you have you Quite Area and you Fone Box then the phun begins. Section 2 Equipment.. 1 Phillips Head Screwdriver. 1 Pair Of Wire Strippers. 2 Allagator Clips 1 Roll Of Electrical Tape. 1 Hard Rod, of metal or anything else solid. 1 Reel of Extention Cord for your fone, that for if you wish to move away from the Fone Box when you wish to make you call 1 Telephone, one of those ones which is small and neat, a Handset Fone you could say is the best. Make sure it can do both Tone and Paulse. Once you have all your Equipment then the Phun Begins.. Section 3 Starting Off.. Open the door to the Telephone box and walk stright in. Once in the Box make sure is does ISD/OCT/IDD or what ever else you may wish to call Dialing International. If it does then your in luck, if it doesn't then you'll have to go off and find one that does. As we all know the Handset is on the Left hand side and the Dialing Ring is on the Right hand side. Now look at the RIGHT hand side of the Fone Box and you'll see a metal strip about 2 inches wide. This strip will go from the floor to the roof in the box and will be help into place by about 6 or 8 Phillip Head screws. Now take your Phillips Head screw driver and unscew the bottom 3 screws and remove them, but don't throw them away as we may want them later.. Once you have the 3 Screws out pry it alittle on the side with the Screw Driver head untill you can get you Metal Rod in their, once you have done this keep opening it untill you see 2 Wires and a Thick peice of PVC pipe.. Section 4 Attaching.. Once you have made a big enuff gap with the Rod so you can get your fingers in, get your Wire Stripers and Strip the 2 Wires that you can see. They are the Fone Line wires and the PVC pipe contains the power to the light of the box. Off memory I think that the 2 wires should be Blue and White but I'm not sure, anyway it doesn't matter.. Once you have the 2 Wires stripped then take off the plug to your fone and get the 2 wires out fo your Plug.. Thier will be either 3 or 4 wires in your Plug but that doesn't matter as we only need to use 2 of them.. Which 2 wires I'll leave up to you, as with all these Non Telecom Standard Fones, the wire colors change ecah time you open one up. Well once you have the Plug off your fone you will see the Wires and at the end their will be these little Metal thing'os, just slip the 2 Alagators clips, the open hole part of the clips not the prong parts over the metal thing'os. That way the current will run through the Clips from the Fone Box and up into your Hand Set. Once you have them attached the clips to the wire it's just a case of hit and miss to you find the right 2 wries in your plug, anyway that shouldn't take you too long. Once you do have the right wires then use the Electrial tape to attache the Clips to the Wires.. Section 5 Calling.. Once you have the Wires in your Plug attached it to the Clips you then attach the Clips to the Wire in the Fone Box, just keep trying and hold the Hand Set to your ear and when you get a Dial Tone you'll know you've hit the spot. Once you have you Dial Tone you may either just run the Cord up the side of the Box and stand in the box, so for anyone that walks past or drives past it will look as if your just makeing a call, and paying for it, but we know other wise. If you wish use the Extention Cord instead of takeing off the Plug on your Fone, and then once you have the Extention cord you will be able to move away from the Box and either sit in some Bushes or the first time we did it we all sat shouting into a Fone in a 69' Ford. Section 6 Finished.. Once you have finished just either remove you Alagotor Clips or just push them down into the Metal Case again. Bend the case back in line with the box, and either Screw the Screws back in or just sit them in the box. This is just in case any little old Granny comes along the next day and wants to use the fone and see's Wires and Shit hanging out of the Case, she then calls Telecom and then you have to find another Box. This will work for a while unitll Telecom see's the Bill that the Fone Box you used and it will have an automatic ISD/STD bar on it and you'll only be able to use it to call localy.. Section 7 Bye.. Well thats about it, the rest it up to you and of course Be Carefull Out Their.. Section 8 Thanks.. Thanks to : The Lensman.. (69 Ford) Disk Destroyer.. Ice Man.. The Overlord.. And all the others whom have come out playing with Fone Boxes with us.. New Method In The Next File : / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Copywrite 89' Have Phun Phreaking Guys / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /